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Computational Analysis In Clinical Pharmacology

WEB Clinical Pharmacology Research

Computational Analysis in Clinical Pharmacology

WEB Clinical pharmacology research has always involved computational analysis. Computational analysis is used to study the effects of drugs on the body and to develop new drugs. Dario Kringel is a clinical pharmacologist who uses computational analysis to study the effects of drugs on pain. He has found that heat pain and its modulation by capsaicin varies among subjects in experimental and clinical settings. This research could lead to the development of new pain medications.

Dario Kringel's Research

Dario Kringel is a clinical pharmacologist who practices in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany. His top areas of expertise are acute pain and chronic pain. He uses computational analysis to study the effects of drugs on pain. Kringel's research has shown that heat pain and its modulation by capsaicin varies among subjects in experimental and clinical settings. This research could lead to the development of new pain medications.
